The A to Z of Buddhism

The A to Z of Buddhism
Par:Charles S. Prebish
Publié le 2005-03-01 par Orient Paperbacks

With a history spanning more than two-and-a-half millennia, and a geographic scatter that now encompasses the entire planet, Buddhism is one of humankind's most interesting religions, and often perceived to be one of its most mysterious. The A to Z of Buddhism provides a marvellous framework for an appreciative understanding of the religion including: 1) The historical evolution of Buddhism; 2) Religious institutions, doctrines, and missionary movements; 3) Important Buddhist scriptures in the Indian, Chinese, and Tibetan traditions; 4) The sacred and historic Buddhist sites; 5) The festivals, rites, and rituals that configure Buddhist religious practice; 6) The manifestation of Buddhism in biography, art, and mythology.

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Livre publié par Orient Paperbacks depuis 2005-03-01 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9788170945222 et ISBN 10 Code est 8170945224

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The A to Z of Buddhism

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