The History of Illustration

The History of Illustration
Par:Susan Doyle,S. Jaleen Grove,Whitney Sherman
Publié le 2018 par Bloomsbury Publishing USA

History of Illustration' covers image-making and print history from around the world, spanning from the ancient to the modern. Hundreds of color images show illustrations within their social, cultural, and technical context, while they are ordered from the past to the present. Readers will be able to analyze images for their displayed techniques, cultural standards, and ideas to appreciate the art form. This essential guide is the first history of illustration written by an international team of illustration historians, practitioners, and educators.

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Livre publié par Bloomsbury Publishing USA depuis 2018 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781501342103 et ISBN 10 Code est 150134210X

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The History of Illustration

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