Timber Production and Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Rain Forests

Timber Production and Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Rain Forests
Par:Andrew Grieser Johns
Publié le 1997-07-10 par Cambridge University Press

Timber production is often the most economic form of land use in areas of tropical forest; forest preservation is rarely so. This book attempts to bridge the current gap between conservation requirements and commercial interests, indicating the possibilities for integrated management of tropical forests. The aim is to create a practical approach for the management of production forest as a supplement to totally-protected forest in the conservation of tropical biodiversity.

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ID de livre de Timber Production and Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Rain Forests's Les livres sont cjPKp_CdM1IC, Livre écrit parAndrew Grieser Johnsavec ETAG "2mUK3ddZmc0"

Livre publié par Cambridge University Press depuis 1997-07-10 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9780521572828 et ISBN 10 Code est 0521572827

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Timber Production and Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Rain Forests

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